Slices of Balloney Wisdom
Like Mayonnase in an egg sandwich, Mr. Balloney has much wisdom to spread around.
Here is just some of Mr. Balloney's delicate wisdom:
- "It's better to lead than to weed."
- "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." (On people who are "Know-it-alls")
- "I think therefore I am, I am, therefore I am online."
- "Life is hard - but maybe not as hard as a Macadamia nut shell."
- "Don't swallow anything larger than your head."
- "The saying, "Buy High and Sell Low" doesn't mean when you're under the influence."
- "Only wash with mild soap and water - acetone hurts."
- "There ARE things that are free in life:"
- "Bad advice from relatives"
- "Bad advice from friends"
- "Bad advice"
- "Used bubblegum"
- "I'm NOT and ANIMAL! I am a PUPPET!"
- "Always put the topmost lid up on the toilet before you use it."
- "Duck, when you spit into the wind."